Clone Cards

Real clone cards
Shaak Ti:
Homeworld: Shill
Species: Tograta
Height: 1.78
Weapon: Lightsaber
Killed by: Galen Marak
Affilation: Jedi
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1. 83
Weapon: two blaster bistols
Affilation: Republic
Obi Wan Kenobi:
Homeworld: Stewjon and Tatoonie
Species: Human
Height: 1.80
weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
killed by: Darth Vader
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
weapon: z-6 blaster cannon
Affilation: Republic
Killed by: Explosion
General Greivous:
Homeworld: Kaleesh
Speceis: Cyborg
Height: 2.26
weapon: lightsabers
killed by: Obi wan
Affilation: separatist
Homeworeld: Kamino
speciels: Clone
Height: 1.83
weapon: blaster rifle
Affilation: Republic
Species: Arcona
Height: 1.83
Affilation: Bounty hunter
homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
weapon: Blaster rifle
Affilation: Republic
Killed by: explosion
Homeworld: Kamino
Sepecies: Clone
height: 1.83
weeapon: Blaster rifle
Affilation: Republic
Species: Sinith
Height: 1.90
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
Asajj Ventress:
Homeworld: Dothomir
Species: Dothomiri
weapon: Lightsabers
Affilation: Sith
ARC Trooper:
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
Weapon: two blaster pistols
Affilation: Republic
Killed by: Asajj Ventress
Aqua Droid:
Droid type: Battle Droid
Height: 2.83
Weapon: Retracable Laser Canon
Affilation: Separatist
Homeworld: Tatoonie, Coresont and Naboo
Species: Human
Height: 1.85
weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Republic
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.68
Affilation: Republic
Killed by: Battle Droids
Captain Keeli:
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
weapon: two blaster pistols
Affilation: Republic
Killed by: Battle droids
Master Di:
Species: Nikto
Height: 1.92
weapon: L.ightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Killed by: Battle Droids
King Katuuno:
Homeworld: Toydaria
Species: Toydarain
Height: 1.52
Weapon: Ceremonial Saber
Affilation: Neturel
Killed by: Savage Oppress
Jar Jar Binks:
Homeworld: Naboo, Coresont
Species: Gungan
Height: 1.91
Affilation: Repretentaive
Killed by: Storm troopers
Bail Organa:
Homeworld: Alderaan and Coresont
Species: Human
Height: 1.91
weapon: Alderaan Blaster Pistol
Affilation: Senator
Killed by: Explosion
Jabba the Hutt:
Homeworld: Mon Hutta and Tatooine
Species: Hutt
Height: 1.75
Affilation: Criminal
Killed by: Leia
Homeworld: Tatoonie and Rodia
Species: Rodian
Height: 1.74
weapon: Blaster Pistol
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
Killed by: Han Solo
Ryo Chuchi:
Homeworld: Pantora and Coresont
Species: Pantoran
Height: 1.65
Affilation: Senator
Homeworld: Shill
Species: Togruta
Height: 1.61
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Chairman Papondia:
Homeworld: Pantoria
Species: Pantorian
Height: 1.78
Weapon: two Blaster pistols
Affilation: Chairman
Prime Minister Almec:
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderloren/ Human
Height: 1.89
Affilation: Netural
Homeworld: Naboo and Coresont
Species: Human
Weapon: Naboo blaster Pistol
Affilation: Senator
Duchess Satine:
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderloren/ Human
Height: 1.77
Weapon: Manderlore blaster pistol
Affilation: Netural
Manderlore Ploilice
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderloren
Weapon: Manderlore Blaster Pistol
Affilation: Netural
Manderlore Body Guards:
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderlore/ Human
Weapon: Electrosaff
Affilation: Netural
Cadet Amis:
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderloren/ Human
Height: 1.68
Affilation: Netural
Cadet Soniee
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderloren/ Human
Height: 1.63
Affilation: Netural
Cadet Lagos:
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderlorin/ Human
Height: 1.65
Affilation: Netural
Cadet Kockie:
Homeworld: Manderlore
Species: Manderlorein/ Human
Height: 1.65
Affilation: Netural
BD 3000 Luxery Droid:
Droid Type: Attended Droid
Height: 1.70
Affilation: Republic
Captain Typho:
Homeworld: Naboo
Species: Human
Height: 1.85
Weapon: Naboo Blaster Pistol
Affilation: Republic
Mon Mothma:
Homeworld: Chandrilla and Alderaan and Coresont
Species: Human
Height: 1.70
Affilation: Senator
Height: 0.69
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affialtion: Jedi
Arurra Sing:
Homeworld: Nar Shradda
Height: 1.85
Weapon: Prectile Rifle, two Plaster Pistols
Killed by: Ki Adi Mundi
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
Cad Bane:
Homeworld: Duro and Coresont
Speceis: Duros
Height: 1.85
Weapon: two Blater Pistols, Bolas and a Flamefrower
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
Todo 360:
Homeworld: Vantesh and Coresont
Droid Type: Techno Sevise Droid
Height: 1.66
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Coresont
Droid Type: Assain Droid
Weapon: Battle droid blaster rifle
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
C 3PO:
Homeworld: Tatoonie and Coresont
Droid Type: Protical Droid
Height: 1.73
Affilation: Republic
R2 D2:
Homeworld: Naboo and Coresont
Droid Type: Astromech Droid
Height: 0.99
Affilation: Republic
Mama the Hutt:
Homeworld: Mon Hutta
Species: Hutt
Height: 3.61
Affilation: Netural
Gardulla the Hutt:
Homeworld: Mon Hutta and Tatooine
Species: Hutt
Height: 1.98
Affilation: Criminal
Sy Snothes:
Homeworld: Lowick and Mon Hutta
Species: Po’lwick
Weapon: Blaster Pistol
Affilation: Crimanel
Qunlain Vos:
Homeworld: Kiffu
Species: Kiffar
Height: 1.90
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Ziro the Hutt:
Homeworld: Mon Hutta and Coresont
Species: Hutt
Height: 1.90
Affilation: Crimanel
Killed by: Sy Snothes
Demolition Droid:
Droid Type: Demolition Droid
Height: 2.43
Weapon: Laser Cannons, Explosion Charges
Affilation: Separatist
Mini Bronteri:
Species: Human
Height: 1.80
Affilation: Separatist
Killed by: Count Dooku
Nix Card:
Species: Muun
Height: 2.46
Affilation: Netrul
Lux Broteri:
Species: Human
Height: 1.80
Affilation: Separatist
Homeworld: Shill
Species: Togruta
Height: 1.70
weapon: lightsabers
Affilation: Jedi
Onaconda Farr:
Homeworld: Rodia and Coresont
Species: Rodian
Height:  1.73
Affilation: Senator
Halle Bourtoni:
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Kaminoan
Height: 2.21
Affilation: Senator
Teckla Minnau:
Homeworld: Coresont
Species: Human
Height: 1.68
Affilation: Republic
Chara Hyoki:
Species: Selkath
Height: 1.55
Weapon: wrist Mounted laser and Knife dart shooter
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
Species: Patrolian
Weapon: Shok probs and expolosion Chages
Affilation: Bounty Hunter
Count Dooku:
Homeworld: Serenno
Species: Human
Height: 1.93
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Sith
Asajj Ventress:
Homeworld: Dothomor
Species: Dothomori
Height: 1.78
Weapon: Lightsabers
Affilation: Nightsister
Homeworld: Dothomir
Species: Dothomiri
Height: 1.98
Weapon: Lightsaber, energy bow and dagger
Affilation: Nightsister
Homeworld: Dothomir
Species: Dothomiri
Height: 1.98
Weapon; Lightsaber, enegy bow dagger
Affilation: Nightsaber
Mother Talzin:
Homeworld: Dothomir
Height: 1.98
weapon: Magic
Affilation: Nightsaber
Homeworld: Irothi and Dothomir
Species: Zabark
Height: 1.66
Weapon: Axe
Affilation: Nightbrother
Killed by: Savage Oppress
Savage Oppress:
Homeworld: Irothi and Dothomir
Species: Zabark
Height: 1.89
Weapon: Axe and Double Bladed Lightsaber
Affilation: Sith
Brother Vicus:
Homeworld: Irothi and Dothomir
Species: Zabark
Height: 1.88
Affilation: Nightbrother
Species: Roonan
Weopen: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Killed by: Savage Oppress
Homeworld: Glee Anslem
Species: Nautolan
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Killed by: Savafe Oppress
Sae See Tiin:
Homeworld: Iktech
Species: Ikechi
Height: 1.98
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Killed by: Darth Sidous
Homeworld: Kamino
Speceis: Clone
Height: 1.83
Weapon: DC 17m Sniper Rifle
Affilation: Republic
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
Weapon: DC 17M Reapeting Rifle
Affilation: Republic
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
weapon: dcM Reapting
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
Weapon:DCm Blaster Rifle and Eltronic Sabers and Bombs
Affilation: Rebublic
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
weapon: DCm Reapinting Rifle
Osi Sobeck:
Homeworld:  Phinder and Lola Saya
Species: Phinderian
Height: 2.03
Weapon: Blaster Rifle
Affilation: Separatist
Killed by: Ahsoka
Even Piell:
Homeworld: Lannick
Species: Lannick
Height: 1.03
Waepon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Killed by: Anooba
K2 B4:
Droid Type: Tratical Droid
Height: 1.97
Erk Zallies:
Homeworld: Gentess and Barpin
Species: Ugnghaut
Height: 1.22
Affilation: Republic
Captain Tarkin:
Homeworld; Eriadu
Species: Human
weapon:Battle Droid blaster Rifle
Affilation: Officer
Killed by: Expolosion
Mouse Droid:
Droid Type: General Purpose droid
Height: 0.45
Ciradel Commander droid:
Homeworld: Geonosis
Droid Type: Battle Droid
Height: 1.91
Weapon: Battle Droid Blaster Rifle and Viroblade
Affilation: Separatist
ARC TrooperEcho:
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
Weapon: BlasterRifle
Affilation: Republic
Killed by: Explosion
ARC Trooper Fives:
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Clone
Height: 1.83
Weapon: Blaster Rifle
Affilation: Republic
OOM 10:
Homeworld: Geonosis
Droid Type: Battle Droid
Height: 1.91
Weapon: Battle Droid Blaster Rifle
Affilation: Republic
Killed by: Crab Droid:
Crab Droid:
Droid Type: Battle Droid
Height: 1.84
Weapon: Two Blaster Cannons
Affilation: Separatist
Homeworld: Tatooine and Lola Saya
Species: Anooba
Height: 1.28
Weapon: Clawes
Alffilation: Beast
Battle Droid:
Homeworld: Geonosis
Droid Type: Battle Droid
Height: 1.91
Weapon: Battle Droid Blaster Rifle
Alffilation: Separatist
Kit Fisto:
Homeworld: Glee Anselm
Species: Nautolan
Height: 1.96
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Killled by: Darth Sidous
Adi Gallia:
Homeworld: Corusont
Species: Tholothain
Height: 1.84
Weapon: Lightsaber
Affilation: Jedi
Killed by: General Grievous

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