Unification wars
a War that is Anciant with old worriers
Great Hyperspace war
A war a cross so many Systems
Beast wars
A war with beasts including the Zilo Beast
Great Sith War
The Sith Make a Empire to destroy the jedi
Manderlorene Wars
Manderlorines team up with the sith agaist the Jedi and the Geonosions
Jedi Civil War
Jedi go against each other
Sith Civil War
The Sith go against each other
Manderlorn Civil War
Manderlorns go agaist each other
Sith war 2
Sith make a perfect plan
Malak War
Darth Malak brings back his master, Darth Revan and tried to destroy the Galxy. but at the end Darth Malak is killed by Darth Revan
New Sith War
The sith have a hold of Secrot Sith order called the Blootherhood this includes Darth Plaeigus and Darth Sidous and Darth Maul
Stark Hyperspace war
The Jedi Defened the Galxy fron a unknown Threat.
Clone Wars
A Massive clone army go against a even bigger Army, Battle Droids
Outer rim War
At the end of the clone wars there is another war going on in the Outer Rim. This includes the Battle of Utiptia that ended the Clone Wars. The Outer Rim war continued in The Empire, but the Empire took in Charage of both sides of the Outer Rim, and Jabba the Hutt was forced to hand it over to them
Empire war
the Empire that used to be the good side but sinse the end of the clone wars Chancellor Palpatine made himself Emperor the Emperor wars called Darth Sidous they went against The Rebal Alliance
Lords War
Lead by Darth Sidous the Lords turned on Darth Sidous and Killed him but Carried on fighting on
By Felix Hawes