Angus please do not edit this
This is all true:
Anakin’s timeline:
42 BBY: Born
39 BBY: Moves to Tatooine
38 BBY: Gardulla looses him to Watto
32 BBY: Wins Boonta Eve Classic
32 BBY: Becomes a Padawan of Obi Wan Kenobi
29 BBY: Builds lightsaber on Llum
23 BBY: Rescures Obi Wan from a sarlaac on Azaloc 3
22 BBY: Meets Padm’e again
22 BBY: Shimi dies in his arms
22 BBY: Battle of Geonosis
22 BBY: Looses his hand
22 BBY: Marries Padm’e
21 BBY: Becomes jedi knight
20 BBY: Outer Rim Seiges
19 BBY: Battle of Corucont
19 BBY: Kills Count Dooku
19 BBY: Rescures Palpatine
19 BBY: Becomes a member of the Jedi Council
19 BBY: Turns to the dark side
19 BBY: Becomes Darth Vader
18 BBY: Kills Kento Malek
18 BBY: Kidnapps Galen Malek
3 BBY: Assines Galen Malek to kill Raham Koda, Kazran Pastrous and Shaak Ti
3 BBY: Betrayes Galen Malek
2 BBY: Foudation of the Rebal Alliance
2 BBY: Captures Senator Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Gem Bil Iblis and jedi Raham Koda
2 BBY: Sees Darth Sidous killing Galen Malek on Corella
1 BBY: Clones Galen Malek on Kamino
0 BBY: Death Star complete
0 BBY: Senate dissolves
0 BBY: Blockade on Tatooine
o BBY: Jabba Joins the Empire
0 BBY: Battle of Yavin
1 ABY: Crashes on Jabiim
2 ABY: Encounters Luke and Leia on Jabiim
2 ABY: Rescured from Jabiim
3 ABY: Battle of Hoth
3 ABY: Sends Bounty Hunters after Han Solo
3 ABY: Battle over Bespin
3 ABY: discovers that luke is his son
4 ABY: Battle of Endor
4 ABY: Discovers Leia is his daughter
4 ABY: Kills the Emperor
4 ABY: Dies
4 ABY: Becomes one with the force
Luke’s Timeline:
19 BBY: Born on Polis Massa
19 BBY: Given to Owen Lars
o BBY: Blockade on Tatooine
0 BBY: Jabba joins Empire
0 BBY: Death of Owen and Beru Lars
0 BBY: Battle of Docking Bay 94
0 BBY: Rescures Leia Organa
0 BBY: Battle of Yavin