Star Wars Top Tens

Angus’ Jedi:
1. Kit Fisto-Jedi Council Member

Death: Corusant, Darth Sidious (Possibly Survived)

2. Yoda-Jedi Grand Master

Death: Dagobah, Old Age (Became One with the Force)

3. Plo Koon-Jedi Council Member

Death: Cato Neimodia, Shot down in Jedi Fighter (Possibly Survived)

4. Obi Wan Kenobi-Jedi Council Member

Death: Over Yavin, by Darth Vader (Became One with the Force)

5. Even Piell-Jedi Council Member

Death: Lola Sayu, Killed by Anooba

6. Master Di-Jedi General

Death: Ryloth, outnumbered 30 to one, shot three times by SBD

7. Ahsoka Tano-Padawan Learner

Death: Unknown, most likely in order sixty six by Captain Rex

8. Shaak Ti-Jedi Council Member

Death: Felucia, suicide (possibly survived by escaping Sarlacc)

9. Mace Windu-Jedi Council Member

Death: Corusant, by Darth Sidious (possibly survived)

10. Saesee Tinn-Jedi Council Member

Death: Corusant, by Darth Sidious (possibly survived)

Felix’s Jedi

1. Obi Wan Kenobi-Jedi Council Member

Death: O BBY Above Debry of Alderaan

2. Yoda-Jedi Grand Master

Death: 4 ABY Dagobah (old age)

3. Ki-Adi Mundi-Jedi Council Member

Death: 19 BBY Mygeeto (order 66)

4. Sae See Tiin-Jedi Council Member

Death: 19 BBY Corusant (possible survival)

5. Kit Fisto-Jedi Council Member

Death: 19 BBY Corusant (possible survival)

6. Plo Koon-Jedi Council Member

Death: 19 BBY Cato Neimodia (possible survival)

7. Mace Windu-Jedi Council Member

Death: 19 BBY Corusant (possible survival)

8. Ahsoka Tano-Jedi Padawan

Death: Unknown

9. Shaak Ti-Jedi Council Member

Death: 3 BBY Felucia

10. Anakin Skywalker-Jedi Council Member

Death: 4 ABY Above Endor

Angus’ Clones:

1. CT-21-0408-Echo-ARC Trooper-501st Legion

Death: Lola Sayu-Body thrown into explosion (possibly survived)

2. CC-1004-Gree-Commander-41st Elite Corps

Death: Kashyyyk-Sliced by Yoda (possibly survived)

3. Hardcase-Lieutenant-501st Legion

Death: Umbara-Destroying Supply Ship Giving Up His Life to Save Many Others

4. CC-3636-Wolffe-Commander-104th Battalion

Death: Unknown

5. CC-2224-Cody-Commander-212th Attack Battalion

Death: Above Yavin-Inside Death Star when it exploded

6. Wooley-Sergeant-212th Attack Battalion-Ghost Company

Death: Unknown

6. Waxer-Lieutenant-212th Attack Battalion-Ghost Company

Death: Umbara-When Krell tricks the Clones into firing at each other Waxer is shot by a member of the 501st Legion

7. Tup-Sergeant-501st Legion

Death: Unknown

8. CT-782-Hevy-Trooper

Death: Rishi Moon-Body Pulvarised by Explosion

9. CT-27-5555-Fives-ARC Trooper-501st Legion

Death: Above Yavin-Body pulverised when Death Star was destroyed

10. Gus-Sergeant-501st Legion

Death Unknown

1o. Dogma-Sergeant-501st Legion

Death: Unknown (possibly in prison)

Felix’s Clones;

1. Cody:

4 ABY, Abouve Endor

2. Fives


3. Gree

19 BBY, Kashyyk


O BBY, Abouve Yavin


19 BBY, Kashyyk

6. Dogma


7. Echo

21 BBY, Lola Sayu

8. Tup


9. Jesse


10. Hardcase


Angus’ Sith and Separatists:

1. General Grievous-Leader of the Droid Army

Death: Utapau, internal organs destroyed (possibly rebuilt)

2. Admiral Trench-Legendary Admiral of the Separatists

Death: Above Christophisis, his Cruiser’s bridge destroyed by Torpedoes

3. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus-Leader of the Separatists

Death: Over Corusant-Beheaded by Anakin Skywalker

4. Osi Sobeck-Separatist Commander

Death: Lola Sayu-Impaled by Ahsoka Tano

5. Darth Plagueis-Legendary Sith

Death: His home-Killed in his sleep by his Padawan Darth Sidious

6. Assaj Ventress-Separatist Assassin

Death: Unknown

7. Darth Bane-Legendary Sith

Death: Memory erased and later killed

8. Lot Dod-Neimodian Separatist

Death: Mustafar-Killed by Anakin Skywalker following Sidious’ order

9. Marka Ragnos-Founder of the Sith

Death: Unknown

10. Darth Sidious/Palpatine-Emperor of the Sith Empire

Death: Above Yavin-Thrown into electricity pit by Anakin Skywalker

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